We Take The Hard Work Out Of Meeting Your Safety Obligations.

National Safety Centre offer a variety of health, safety and welfare consultancy services. These range from company specific Safety Statements, the preparation of audits and risk assessments, providing Display Screen Equipment (VDU) assessments and reports. 

Our team of consultants have vast experience in a wide range of sectors from Construction, Pharmaceutical, Child Care, Agricultural, Aviation, Financial to IT. We carry out these services for a wide range of clients from self-employed to larger sized enterprises. 

Did you know every organisation from self employed to large municipal companies all require company specific Safety Statements including Risk Assessments under Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work ACT 2005?  Speak to us today for a free quotation for new safety statements, review and renewals. 



(Call Save) 1850 234 600

+353 18225963





Consultancy Services We Offer