Safety Statement Reviews — National Safety Centre

Safety Statement Reviews are site specific, contact us today to discuss.


There is legal requirement set out under Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, which requires all employers to have in their possession, an up-to-date written Safety Statement.  The Safety Statement must be updated and reviewed at least one year or when there are any changes of circumstances within the company.

The Safety Statement sets out the following which relates to the employer:

  • His/her policies on the prevention of accidents in his/her workplace.
  • The persons assigned responsibility by the employer and a breakdown of their respective responsibilities.
  • The hazard identification, risk assessments and control measures for the organisation and its activities.
  • Procedures on accident investigation, checklists for inspection of the worplace, plant machinery and all activities associated with the organisation.

National Safety Centre will assist employers in the preparation and review of Safety Statements.



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