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In the News - Coroner's Court rules death by misadventure caused by lack of safety procedures

On October 28th 2011 Stephen Bayfield lost his life at work in Dublin Port after he was crushed by a wheel of a large slow moving crane.

The Dublin Coroner’s Court heard how there were no safety systems in place for crane drivers crossing the cargo area. It was known among staff that the environment was unsafe but everyone 'just got on with it'.  

Since the terrible tragedy, a number of safe systems have since been put in place such as defined and fenced off pathways, a designated changeover area for the cranes and radios for the drivers to communicate.

The court also recommended that a risk assessment be revised regularly and asked for a safety representative to be appointed to deal with staff safety issues on site.

Source - Irish Times

Coroner's Court

Our New Website Goes Live

We've been working hard in the background updating our branding and our website, and today is the day we get to finally show it to the world.

Welcome to the new

We hope it better highlights our products, services and training courses and ultimately better serves you the customer. 

Enjoy the new look and be sure to visit as we'll be posting our latest training courses, news and offers here.

Best wishes,

National Safety Centre Team